Use of sharp tools does not require an instructor permit under the Scouting Policy Organisation and Rules, however it is a hazardous activity and a fundamental part of any scouting programme. The KAS permit provides a standard for leaders to assess their scouts and explorers ability, to demonstrate that the people using sharp tools are trained, to facilitate issuing and return of sharp tools by the quartermaster, and for young people to develop confidence and trust, and visibly show their achievement on their uniform once they have earned their own KAS permit.

Download the skills companion guide here
KAS permit woggles can be ordered via the District Badge Secretary with your usual badge orders.
How does the KAS permit work?
Training – Section leaders use this guide as a common standard for training their section in the key skills under close supervision – Pang Valley District offer skills days and active support if required to supplement leader skills. Once section leaders are confident that a scout in their section is capable in the knowledge and practical skills as set out in this handbook they can award a KAS permit woggle in the same way as awarding a badge.
Wearing – The KAS permit woggle must have the scout name written on the inside and is worn by the scout on their neckerchief alongside their normal woggle as a sign of their competence to use sharp tools with reduced supervision.
Using – When the scout needs to use a sharp tool from stores they trade their KAS woggle for the tool and the woggle is placed in the box. When they return the tool they retrieve their KAS woggle. This enables the leader to issue tools only to those who are trained and to keep track of any scouts who are yet to return the tools that were issued to them.
Suitable bushcraft knives, camping axes and both folding and bow saws are available to borrow from District Stores.
Programme ideas
A sample risk assessment is available here which must be reviewed for the abilities, activities and environment involved.
A sample axe and saw programme is available here which must be reviewed against the risk assessment.
Making a wedge –
Making an elder whistle –
Making tree hooks –
Making a try stick –
Further programme ideas coming soon for Cubs and Beavers.